回應 Qlocker 勒索病毒攻擊事件:立即採取行動,保護 QNAP NAS
台灣台北,2021 年 4 月 22 日 – 運算、網通及儲存解決方案的創新者威聯通®科技 (QNAP® Systems, Inc.) 今日發出聲明稿回應近日使用者回報及媒體報導關於 Qlocker 及 eCh0raix 變種勒索病毒鎖定 QNAP NAS,並對使用者資料進行加密壓縮索取贖金之事件。QNAP 強烈建議所有使用者立即安裝並使用最新版 Malware Remover 進行惡意軟體掃描,並更新 Multimedia Console、Media Streaming Add-on 及 Hybrid Backup Sync 三個 App 至最新版,以確保 QNAP NAS 安全無虞。QNAP 亦正積極研究如何從受感染的裝置移除相關惡意軟體。
QNAP 已經更新適用於 QTS/QuTS hero 等作業系統的 Malware Remover,針對相關惡意軟體進行處理。使用者若受到勒索病毒影響,或觀察到勒索病毒執行中,並正在加密檔案,應保持 NAS 開機狀態、立即安裝並使用最新版 Malware Remover 進行惡意軟體掃描、並聯繫 QNAP 技術支援單位 (https://service.qnap.com/) 取得協助。
對於未受到勒索病毒影響的使用者,亦應立即安裝並使用最新版 Malware Remover 進行惡意軟體掃描,變更所有使用者密碼為高強度密碼,並更新 Multimedia Console、Media Streaming Add-on 及 Hybrid Backup Sync 三個 App 至最新版。同時,使用者應參考 QNAP 提供的資安最佳實務 (https://qnap.to/3daz2n) 指南,變更 NAS 管理介面預設連接埠 8080 為其他連接埠,並依循 321 備份原則,為 NAS 上儲存的資料進行備份或再備份,以保障資料安全。
更多資訊請參閱 QNAP 資安通報 QSA-21-11 (https://qnap.to/3eq7hy) 及 QSA-21-13 (https://qnap.to/3dygse)。
QNAP 產品資安事件應變團隊 (PSIRT) 全面監控各界情資,即時提供最新資訊,並在必要時發行軟體更新,守護用戶資安不遺餘力。QNAP 再次籲請用戶配合採取上述措施,並定時安裝系統更新,避免裝置遭到有心人士利用,同時參考 QNAP 提供的最佳實務,提升個人及企業資安意識,雙方攜手合作對抗駭客威脅,共同守護網際網路安全。
QNAP 命名源自於高品質網路設備製造商(Quality Network Appliance Provider),我們致力研發軟體應用,匠心優化硬體設計,並設立自有生產線以提供全面而先進的科技解決方案。QNAP 專注於儲存、網通及智慧視訊產品創新,並提供 Cloud NAS 解決方案,透過軟體訂閱制及多元化服務管道建構嶄新的科技生態圈。在 QNAP 的企業藍圖中,NAS 早已突破儲存裝置的框架,搭配雲基礎網路架構上的多項研發創新,協助客戶高效率導入人工智慧分析、邊緣運算及資訊整合應用,創造更大優勢與價值。
Response to Qlocker Ransomware Attacks: Take Actions to Secure QNAP NAS
Taipei, Taiwan, April 22, 2021 – QNAP® Systems, Inc. (QNAP), a leading computing, networking and storage solution innovator, today issued a statement in response to recent user reports and media coverage that two types of ransomware (Qlocker and eCh0raix) are targeting QNAP NAS and encrypting users’ data for ransom. QNAP strongly urges that all users immediately install the latest Malware Remover version and run a malware scan on QNAP NAS. The Multimedia Console, Media Streaming Add-on, and Hybrid Backup Sync apps need to be updated to the latest available version as well to further secure QNAP NAS from ransomware attacks. QNAP is urgently working on a solution to remove malware from infected devices.
QNAP has released an updated version of Malware Remover for operating systems such as QTS and QuTS hero to address the ransomware attack. If user data is encrypted or being encrypted, the NAS must not be shut down. Users should run a malware scan with the latest Malware Remover version immediately, and then contact QNAP Technical Support at https://service.qnap.com/.
For unaffected users , it’s recommended to immediately install the latest Malware Remover version and run a malware scan as a precautionary measure. All user should update their passwords to stronger ones, and the Multimedia Console, Media Streaming Add-on, and Hybrid Backup Sync apps need to be updated to the latest available version. Additionally, users are advised to modify the default network port 8080 for accessing the NAS operating interface. Steps to perform the operation can be found in the information security best practice offered by QNAP (https://qnap.to/3daz2n). The data stored on NAS should be backed up or backed up again utilizing the 3-2-1 backup rule, to further ensure data integrity and security.
For details, please refer to the QNAP security advisory QSA-21-11 (https://qnap.to/3eq7hy) and QSA-21-13 (https://qnap.to/3dygse).
QNAP Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) constantly monitors the latest intelligence to deliver up-to-date information and software updates, ensuring data security for users. Once again, QNAP urges users to take the above-mentioned actions and periodically check/install product software updates to keep their devices away from malicious influences. QNAP also provides the best practice for improving personal and organizational information security. By working together to fight against cybersecurity threats, we make the Internet a safer place for everyone.
About QNAP Systems, Inc.
QNAP (Quality Network Appliance Provider) is devoted to providing comprehensive solutions in software development, hardware design and in-house manufacturing. Focusing on storage, networking and smart video innovations, QNAP now introduce a revolutionary Cloud NAS solution that joins our cutting-edge subscription-based software and diversified service channel ecosystem. QNAP envisions NAS as being more than simple storage and has created a cloud-based networking infrastructure for users to host and develop artificial intelligence analysis, edge computing and data integration on their QNAP solutions.
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